Pelvic Prolapse in Leesburg

Pelvic Prolapse in Leesburg

Childbirth and pregnancy can take a significant toll on a woman’s body, and some effects, such as pelvic prolapse, may develop years after birth. When your pelvic muscles are too weak, they cannot support the organs above, resulting in them shifting lower in position over the vagina. Though it may not disrupt your health, the condition could be painful enough for surgical intervention.

If you believe you are suffering from pelvic prolapse in Leesburg, Midatlantic OBGYN offers surgical treatment to repair these muscles and relieve adverse symptoms. Though the recovery takes several weeks, the significant decrease in physical discomfort and possible cosmetic enhancements could make substantial differences in your life. If you are showing signs of the condition, schedule a consultation to see if surgery is right for you.

How Does Pelvic Prolapse Develop and Affect the Body?

Pelvic prolapse occurs when a woman’s pelvic muscles and ligaments weaken to the point of being unable to support the internal organs, resulting in a vaginal bulge. Further, to be diagnosed with pelvic prolapse, one or more of the organs within the pelvis must have fallen below their normal position. Typically, women develop this condition after childbirth significantly weakens the pelvic muscles, though it may take several years after giving birth for symptoms to show.

Organs that may shift in position include the bladder, bowels, and uterus. When a woman in Leesburg or Centreville develops pelvic prolapse, various symptoms may affect the genital’s appearance and sensation. For example, a woman with pelvic prolapse may experience:

  • Pain or numbness during sex
  • Heaviness around the lower abdomen and genitals
  • A dragging discomfort inside the vagina
  • A bulge or lump within or coming out of the vagina
  • Problems when peeing, including more frequent urination, urinary stress incontinence, and feeling as if the bladder cannot be emptied

The physical symptoms of pelvic prolapse could significantly impact a woman’s ability to complete her daily tasks. Though this condition does not pose severe health risks, it could result in a substantial amount of pain. When this condition reaches this point of concern, surgery in may be necessary.

Surgical Correction of Pelvic Prolapse in Leesburg

If non-surgical tactics such as pelvic muscle exercises do not strengthen the muscles and reverse the prolapse, surgery may be necessary for correction. In our Leesburg and Centreville offices, pelvic prolapse surgery may involve one of two different procedure methods that treat and alleviate the symptoms of this condition.

Obliterative surgery involves narrowing and shortening the vaginal canal to support the internal organs that have shifted into a lower position. With this approach, sexual function is significantly reduced, as the vagina becomes too narrow for sexual intercourse, but poses the fewest health risks during surgery and recovery.

Reconstructive pelvic prolapse surgery is the best choice for women who wish to maintain their vagina’s sexual function. This approach restores the internal organs to their original positions within the body to relieve symptoms and restore function.

Schedule a Pelvic Prolapse Consultation in Leesburg

Since pelvic prolapse could develop many years after birth, and its symptoms could significantly impact your physical comfort and functioning. Fortunately, Midatlantic OBGYN offers various treatment options to those who are suffering from pelvic prolapse in Leesburg.

Recovery after your procedure could take between four and six weeks, and it is essential to avoid heavy lifting and other strenuous exercises during this period. After recovery, you could notice a drastic improvement in your lower abdomen’s appearance and comfort as organs regain support from the pelvic muscles. If you think you may have this condition, reach out to schedule an assessment and see if you qualify for surgery.